Deutschland, Schwaig
Yarn in Motion (YIM) pioneered a new category for high-tech Merino yarns for end uses as divers as outdoor performance, elite sportswear and fashion fabrications. YIM is a brand of Südwolle Group.
Deutschland, Schwaig
Biella Yarn is the knitting brand of Südwolle Group, the global specialist for worsted yarns of pure merino wool and wool blends.
Deutschland, Schwaig
Stöhr is one of the biggest suppliers of technical yarns for Automotive, Upholstery, Aircraft and Uniforms. Stöhr is a brand of Südwolle Group.
Deutschland, Schwarzenbach
Bleichen, Färben und Veredeln von Kreuzspule, Strang und Flocke. Alle Materialien und Mischungen.
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