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Der Markt für Nahrungsergänzungsmittel wächst europaweit Jahr für Jahr. Wir haben diesen Trend frühzeitig erkannt und sind in der Lage eine Vielzahl von Rohstoffen, Hilfsstoffen und Mischungen von qualifizierten Lieferanten anzubieten. Unsere Produkte entsprechen den Vorschriften des Lebensmittelrechts und der Novel Food-Verordnung. Wir aktualisieren unser Portfolio ständig und auf Wunsch recherchieren wir spezifische Produkte, die bisher nicht in unserem Portfolio zu finden sind. Mit unserem Büro in Shanghai stehen wir in engem Kontakt zu vielen potentiellen Lieferanten und können auf neue Marktanforderungen prompt reagieren. Sprechen Sie uns an, wenn Sie auf der Suche nach seltenen Rohstoffen sind. Ein Ausschnitt aus unserem Portfolio: Aminosäuren Antioxidantien CBD Öle und Tinkturen Mineralstoffe Fette und Öle für besondere Ernährungszwecke Pflanzenextrakte Probiotics & Prebiotics Sportlernahrung
Pro Antioxidant

Pro Antioxidant

Lutschtabletten mit Vitaminen, Zink und Selen.
Meratrum 3 LAYER

Meratrum 3 LAYER

As an attempt to fine tune all the ingredients in the formula, Meratrum 3 LAYER is an advanced multivitamin and multi-mineral complex featuring a unique 3-layer design for optimal absorption and bioavailability. Each tablet delivers a comprehensive blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements to support a healthy lifestyle. The advanced 3-layer tableting technology features three distinct layers, each tailored to release nutrients at different rates, ensuring high patient compliance, optimal absorption and effectiveness through: First layer that delivers immediate boost of essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin PP, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6, Folic acid, Vitamin B12 and Magnesium. The Normal Layer is composed of Zinc, Copper, Iron, Selenium, Chromium, Manganese, Iodine and Molybdenum for a steady release for ongoing support, and the retarded Layer ensures prolonged benefits of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin H, by gradually releasing nutrients over time. With just one Meratrum 3 LAYER tablet daily, you get a balanced supply of nutrients tailored to meet your personal needs.


Aminosäuren in verschiedenen Qualitäten für die Produktion von Nahrungsmitteln BCAA BCAA DC95 BCAA CA95 Carboxymethylcellulose L-Alanin L-Arginin L-Carnosin L-Cystein L-Cystein HCL L-Glycin L-Glutamin L-Gluatimsäure L-Histidin L-Isoleucin L-Isoleucin DC 95 L-Isoleucin CA 95 L-Leucin L-Leucin DC 95 L-Leucin CA 95 L-Lysin DL-Methionin L-Methionin L-Ornithin L-Phenylalanin L-Prolin L-Serin L-Threonin L-Tryptophan L-Tyrosin L-Valin L-Valin DC 95 L-Valin CA 95
Meratrum A-Z

Meratrum A-Z

Featuring a well-balanced blend of 27 vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in one convenient tablet, Meratrum A-Z is a daily supplementation to address all the health needs resulting from an unbalanced diet, increased nutritional needs due to physical activities and environmental stress. Meratrum A-Z is designed to provide a comprehensive daily supplementation to boost vitality and enhance both physical and mental performance. The tablets are well formulated with synergistically acting ingredients and optimum tableting techniques to support proper maintenance of energy metabolism, strengthen immunity, and promote well-being, including their benefits for skin vitality, eyesight, immunity, skeletomuscular health and cognitive function. While Lutein supports eye health by filtering harmful blue light, Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that aids in energy production, supports cardiovascular health, and helps maintain cellular integrity. Meratrum A-Z is a safe pick for vegetarians, people with lactose intolerance and gluten sensitivity, offering a consumer-friendly approach and facilitating an effortless supplementation for everyone!