Finden Sie schnell klappläden holz für Ihr Unternehmen: 300 Ergebnisse

Holzpellets für Calw  und Umgebung

Holzpellets für Calw und Umgebung

Wir liefern Holzpellets nach Calw! Sauber, schnell, zuverlässig und zu einem guten Preis. Unsere Holzpellets sind ideal für Pellet-Öfen und bieten eine umweltfreundliche Heizalternative. Bestellen Sie jetzt bei uns und profitieren Sie von unserem guten Service.
Holzpellets, Zertifizierte oecologic Holzpellets® von Wahr

Holzpellets, Zertifizierte oecologic Holzpellets® von Wahr

Holzpellets sind eine umweltfreundliche und nachhaltige Alternative zu herkömmlichen fossilen Brennstoffen. Sie werden aus gepressten Holzspänen und Sägemehl hergestellt, was sie zu einem erneuerbaren Energieträger macht. Holzpellets sind besonders beliebt in Heizsystemen, die eine saubere und effiziente Verbrennung ermöglichen, wodurch sie eine hervorragende Wahl für umweltbewusste Verbraucher darstellen. Die Verwendung von Holzpellets trägt zur Reduzierung von CO2-Emissionen bei, da sie aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen bestehen und bei ihrer Verbrennung nur so viel CO2 freisetzen, wie die Bäume während ihres Wachstums aufgenommen haben. Dies macht sie zu einer klimaneutralen Energiequelle. Zudem sind Holzpellets einfach zu lagern und zu transportieren, was ihre Handhabung erleichtert und sie zu einer praktischen Option für viele Haushalte und Unternehmen macht.
Holzpellets für den Landkreis Böblingen, Sindelfingen, Leonberg, Herrenberg, Renningen, Böblingen

Holzpellets für den Landkreis Böblingen, Sindelfingen, Leonberg, Herrenberg, Renningen, Böblingen

Wir liefern Holzpellets an Haushalte im Kreis Böblingen! Preiswert, sauber, schnell und zuverlässig. Unsere Holzpellets sind ideal für Pellet-Öfen und bieten eine umweltfreundliche Heizalternative. Bestellen Sie jetzt bei uns und profitieren Sie von unserem guten Service.
Holzpellets für Esslingen,  Filderstadt, Kirchheim unter Teck, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Nürtingen und Ostfildern

Holzpellets für Esslingen, Filderstadt, Kirchheim unter Teck, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Nürtingen und Ostfildern

Neben Heizöl liefern wir auch Holzpellets für Sie in Esslingen! Schnell, preisgünstig und verlässlich. Unsere Holzpellets sind eine umweltfreundliche Heizalternative für Pellet-Öfen. Bestellen Sie jetzt beim führenden, unabhängigen Unternehmen der Branche und profitieren Sie von unserem guten Service.
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D5 siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x2mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x3mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x5mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D25x5mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D100-50x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D30x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 20x3mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: 40x18x10mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x1mm siliver: silver
Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB Magnet

Sinter NdFeB: The application of Nd-Fe-B can be divided into the following categories from the physical principle: 1. Electrical and mechanical energy conversion, such as motor, speaker, VCM voice coil motor, etc; 2. Mechanical and electrical energy conversion, such as generator, receiver, measuring instrument, etc; 3. Mechanical energy mechanical energy, such as magnetic separation, magnetic levitation, magnetic transmission, magnetic suspension, magnetic suction cup, etc; 4. Use the physical effects of magnetic field, such as magnetic resonance, magnetization wax removal, magnetization oil saving, etc; Electroacoustic field: speaker, receiver, microphone, alarm, stage sound, car sound, etc. Electronic and electrical appliances: permanent magnet mechanism vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic holding relay, watt hour meter, water meter, sound meter, dry reed, sensor, etc. Motor field: VCM, cddvd-rom, generator, motor, servo motor, permanent magnet motor, micro motor, motor, vibration motor, etc. Mechanical equipment: magnetic separation, magnetic separator, magnetic crane, magnetic machinery, magnetic pump, etc. Medical and health care: nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, medical equipment, magnetic therapy health care products, magnetic economizer, etc. Other industries: magnetic wax preventer, pipeline descaling device, magnetic fixture, automatic mahjong machine, magnetic lock, door and window magnetic, luggage magnetic, leather magnetic, toy magnetic, tool magnetic, craft gift packaging, etc. China: Germany Stock gram: kg 20x20x5mm: D10x5mm siliver: silver
Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded Nd-Fe-B products are the key parts of micro motors and sensors, and their application fields include automobile, household appliances, industrial automation, office automation, encoder, medical health, etc. 1.Bonded NdFeB Magnets Molded magnet: Nd-Fe-B alloy magnetic powder and adhesive are mixed in proportion, granulated and pressed in the mold. The product has the following characteristics: 1) High dimensional accuracy of products: one-time molding can meet the accuracy requirements, and generally no machining is required 2) Large freedom of product form: it can be made into magnets in the shape of rings, cylinders, discs, tiles, blocks and special shapes. 3) Excellent magnetic properties: the magnetic energy product is three times that of anisotropic ferrite, with high intrinsic coercivity, simple process, short process, stable magnetic properties and good consistency in mass production. 4) The magnetization methods are flexible and diverse: axial, radial and radial magnetization, oblique magnetization, etc 5) Good corrosion resistance, good surface quality: the product surface has epoxy resin coating, excellent corrosion resistance. China: Germary gram: kg D30x10mm: D10x10mm block: block
Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded NdFeB Magnet

Bonded Nd-Fe-B products are the key parts of micro motors and sensors, and their application fields include automobile, household appliances, industrial automation, office automation, encoder, medical health, etc. 1.Bonded NdFeB Magnets Molded magnet: Nd-Fe-B alloy magnetic powder and adhesive are mixed in proportion, granulated and pressed in the mold. The product has the following characteristics: 1) High dimensional accuracy of products: one-time molding can meet the accuracy requirements, and generally no machining is required 2) Large freedom of product form: it can be made into magnets in the shape of rings, cylinders, discs, tiles, blocks and special shapes. 3) Excellent magnetic properties: the magnetic energy product is three times that of anisotropic ferrite, with high intrinsic coercivity, simple process, short process, stable magnetic properties and good consistency in mass production. 4) The magnetization methods are flexible and diverse: axial, radial and radial magnetization, oblique magnetization, etc 5) Good corrosion resistance, good surface quality: the product surface has epoxy resin coating, excellent corrosion resistance. China: Germary gram: kg D30x10mm: D5x3mm block: block
RGK - Ringgrabenkollektor DA32 Pakete

RGK - Ringgrabenkollektor DA32 Pakete

Ringgrabenkollektor Pakete DA32 - 4kW bis 16kW PE100 RC Rohr 32 x 3,0mm inkl. Frostschutz, Soleverteiler und Zubehör Wir bieten Ihnen 4 unterschiedlich dimensionierte DA32 RKG-Pakete für Ihren Ringgrabenkollektor. Ein Paket besteht aus folgenden Produkten: - PE100 RC Rohr 32 x 3,0mm - Frostschutz "N" - Fertiggemisch für -10°C (Monoethylenglykol) alternativ: Frostschutz "BE" ( gebrauchsfertig) auf Ethanol-Basis (ausreichend für bis zu -10°C) Zubehör: - Universal Soleverteiler mit Durchflussmesser (bestehend aus einem Vor- und Rücklaufbalken) inkl. integrierten KLV. 32 x 1" inkl. 2x Kugelauslaufhahn 3/4" - Montagehalter Metall - Abgang zur Wärmepumpe (2x KLV. 32 x 1 1/4" Messing + 2x Kugelhahn 1 1/4" IG/AG) - Mauerdurchführungen (KB 100 x 32) - Montage Zubehör (300x Kabelbinder + Markierungsspray (pink) + Trassenwarnband) Druckprüfset DA32: 1x Klemmverschraubung 32 x 1" + Kugelhahn + Geka Schnellkupplung 1x Klemmverschraubung 32 x 1" + Geka Schnellkupplung + Geka Blindkupplung Die Dimensionen sind wie folgt: Paket 1: 1x 300m PE100 RC Rohr 32x 3,0 mm bis 4kW Paket 2: 2x 300m PE100 RC Rohr 32x 3,0 mm bis 8kW Paket 3: 3x 300m PE100 RC Rohr 32x 3,0 mm bis 12kW Paket 4: 4x 300m PE100 RC Rohr 32x 3,0 mm bis 16kW Bei Fragen und Informationen zu den RGK-Paketen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Heizpatronen Typ 0 ohne Mantel, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen Typ 0 ohne Mantel, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen ohne Mantel Typ 0 sind besonders geeignet zur Lufterwärmung und zum Einbau in Tauchrohre. Typ: 0 max. Einsatztermperatur: 600°C max. Leistungsdichte: 4 W/cm²
Kupferpfanne mit Holzgriff / Rauchgefäß / Räuchergefäß

Kupferpfanne mit Holzgriff / Rauchgefäß / Räuchergefäß

Kupferpfanne offen, mit Holzgriff, Abmessungen: 14x28,5 cm, zum Räuchern, Rauchgefäß, Räuchergefäß Artikelnummer: 10/494 Größe: 14x28,5 cm Artikelgruppe: Rauchgefäße
Heizpatronen Typ PE,  Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen Typ PE, Heizstäbe, Heizelemente, Heizungen, elektrische, für industrielle Zwecke

Heizpatronen sind besonders geeignet zum Einsatz als Werkzeugbeheizung, zur Beheizung von Breitschlitzdüsen, im Sondermaschinenbau, an Verpackungsmaschinen etc. Typ: PE max. Einsatztermperatur: 400°C max. Leistungsdichte: 4 W/cm²
Holzpellets für den Bodenseekreis

Holzpellets für den Bodenseekreis

Wir liefern Holzpellets an Haushalte im Bodenseekreis! Preiswert, sauber, schnell und zuverlässig. Unsere Holzpellets sind ideal für Pellet-Öfen und bieten eine umweltfreundliche Heizalternative. Bestellen Sie jetzt bei uns und profitieren Sie von unserem guten Service.
Rauchgefäß/Räucherstövchen aus Speckstein

Rauchgefäß/Räucherstövchen aus Speckstein

Speckstein Rauchgefäß / Räucherstövchen mit Edelstahl Sieb, Farbe grau mit Regenbogenfarben, Abmessungen: 9x8 cm, Sieb 8 cm Durchmesser Rauchgefäß, Räucherstövchen, Speckstein, mit Edelstahlsieb, Devotionalien Artikelnummer: 10/492 Größe: 9x8 cm
Rauchgefäß/Räucherstövchen aus Speckstein

Rauchgefäß/Räucherstövchen aus Speckstein

Rauchgefäß aus Speckstein mit Sieb aus Edelstahl, kunstvolles Relief-Motiv einer Sonne, Farbe beige meliert, Maße 9,5x10cm, Sieb 8 cm Durchm., Speckstein ist ein Naturmaterial, kann farblich variieren Rauchgefäß, Räucherstövchen, Speckstein, mit Edelstahlsieb zum Räuchern mit Weihrauch Artikelnummer: 10/437 Maße: 9,5x10cm
Weihrauchmischung/Räuchermischung "Erzengel Michael"

Weihrauchmischung/Räuchermischung "Erzengel Michael"

Weihrauchmischung/Räuchermischung "Erzengel Michael" für Schutz, Urkraft, Selbstsicherheit Räuchern, Räuchermischung, Weihrauch, Weihrauchmischung, Devotionalien Artikelnummer: 10/638
Einstellbare Kaltluftpistole Druckluft VORTEC Typ 610-1BSP, 15 H

Einstellbare Kaltluftpistole Druckluft VORTEC Typ 610-1BSP, 15 H

Die stufenlos einstellbare Kaltluftpistole Modell 610BSP ist ideal für den Einsatz bei maschinellen Bearbeitungsvorgängen und für die Kühlung von Werkstücken und industriellen Prozessen. Das Modell 610 hat eine flexible Düse für die Ausrichtung des Kaltluftstroms. Die Kaltluftrate kann auf das optimale Niveau für Ihre jeweilige Applikation eingestellt werden. Der maximale Temperaturabfall beträgt 55°C unter die Einlaßlufttemperatur, die max. Kühlleistung liegt bei 227 kcal/h. Druckluftanschluß Modell 610BSP: 425 SLPM bei 6,9 bar. Besondere Merkmale: Kühlung ohne Kältemittel (CFC/HCFC) und ohne bewegte Teile, also zuverlässig und störungssicher Keine Elektrizität, eigensicher, keine HF-Störungen Integrierter Schalldämpfer für geräuscharmen Betrieb gemäß den OSHA-Lärmschutzanforderungen betrieben mit gefilterter Werkstattluft, 5-7 bar Zolltarifnummer : 84198998 Ursprungsland: USA Gewicht: 1,6 kg
BIO-Räuchermischung "Glückliche Momente"

BIO-Räuchermischung "Glückliche Momente"

BIO-Räuchermischung "Glückliche Momente" mit BIO Hanfsamen u. BIO Koriander Räuchermischung, Weihrauchmischung, BIO, Weihrauch, Glück, Glückliche Momente, Devotionalien Artikelnummer: 10/646
VORTEC Druckluft Luftmesser, Reinigen & Trocknen, 921-06BSP 152 mm

VORTEC Druckluft Luftmesser, Reinigen & Trocknen, 921-06BSP 152 mm

Die Luftmesser erzeugen einen starken, laminaren Luftstrom für das effiziente Abblasen und Reinigen breiter Flächen sowie für beschleunigtes Trocknen bei einem breiten Spektrum von Bearbeitungen. Da Vorhangtransvektoren dem Prinzip nach Luftstromverstärker sind, setzen sie eine geringe Menge Druckluft in einen kräftigen, schnellströmenden Luftvorhang über breiten Flächen um, wie z. B. laufende Materialbahnen, Bogen, Streifen, Karosserien und andere große Objekte. Allgemeine Merkmale: Höhere Strömungskraft und Geschwindigkeit, geringeres Geräuschniveau und gleichmäßigere Luftstromverteilung als Konkurrenzsysteme – größere Kraft mit weniger Druckluft Keine bewegten Teile, wartungsfrei Leichte Einstellung des austretenden Luftstroms Sofort-EIN/AUS-Schaltung Keine Elektrizität, keine Explosionsgefahr, keine HF-Störungen Keine Schutzvorrichtungen, keine Gefahrenquellen Geräuscharm, die OSHA-Lärmschutzanforderungen werden erfüllt Kompakt, ideal für Anwendungen auf begrenztem Raum Luftverbrauch 900 SLPM bei 6,9 bar, Verstärkung 1:25 Stat. Warennummer: 84199085 Ursprungsland USA