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Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Nano Core. grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Soft Magnet Core grey: grey
Soft Ferrite Magnet

Soft Ferrite Magnet

Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets Power conversion Line filters Radio frequency applications TransformersIt is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance Soft Ferrite Magnets Soft ferrite are not permanent magnets. They carry magnetism (like mild steel) but as soon as the magnetic field is removed, the magnetism disappears. Soft ferrite are popular as transformers (to change the voltage from primary to secondary windings). So soft ferrite are often called transformer ferrite. Soft ferrite exist as toroids (rings), C shapes, E-shapes, curved shapes, etc. Other shapes are possible. They often have performance criteria such as permeability and inductance. Advantages & Disadvantages of Soft Ferrite Magnets Advantages * Carry magnetism effectively with low losses * Can handle alternating currents Disadvantages * Have different properties such as inductance and permeability so care is required to get a correct material type * It will be expected that the customer knows exactly what they require Typical Applications for Soft Ferrite Magnets * Power conversion * Line filters * Radio frequency applications * Transformers It is expected that the customer will know the size, shape and performance characteristics of the soft iron material that they require. We do not currently offer technical design support for this product range. China: Germany Stock 100g: 1.2kg. Soft Ferrite Magnet: Soft Magnet Shapes grey: grey
Design Unterputzbriefkasten GOETHE UP mit Zeitungsfach - RAL nach Wahl - LOXONE Intercom vorbereitet

Design Unterputzbriefkasten GOETHE UP mit Zeitungsfach - RAL nach Wahl - LOXONE Intercom vorbereitet

Hochwertig gefertigter Unterputzbriefkasten mit Zeitungsfach im flächenbündigen Design. Der moderne Briefkasten GOETHE ist ideal für den anspruchsvollen Eingangsbereich geeignet. Die geradlinige Formgebung ohne sichtbares Schloss lässt diesen Briefkasten besonders elegant wirken. Die LOXONE Intercom lässt sich nahtlos in das flächenbündige Design einsetzen und jederzeit tauschen. Die Vorbereitung ist vorgesehen für 1 Stück LOXONE Intercom (inkl. Lochung für Schallaustritt) oder 1 Stück LOXONE Intercom (inkl. Lochung für Schallaustritt) + 1 Stück LOXONE NFC Code Touch/Touch Pure. Die Maße des Einzelkastens ermöglicht ein Fassungsvermögen von ca. 16 Litern, der große Einwurf garantiert auch bei DIN-C4-Umschlägen und Zeitschriften oder nach mehrtägiger Abwesenheit keine zerknitterte Post. Das innovative Push-Key-Schloss verbirgt sich unsichtbar im Inneren des Briefkasten. Der Schlüssel wird lediglich in die vorhanden Öffnung gesteckt (kein Drehen nötig) und die Tür öffnet sich. Mit der Anordnung des Schlosses ist dieser Briefkasten so konzipiert, dass die Entnahmetür verhindert, dass Ihnen die Post entgegenfällt. Durch die Wasserablaufkante ist die innen liegende Post optimal vor Witterungseinflüssen geschützt. Die Einwurfklappe ist mit hochwertigen Achsdämpfern ausgestattet, so ist ein leises Schließen garantiert und es gibt kein störendes Klappern durch Witterungseinflüsse. Die Briefkastenanlagen der Kollektion GOETHE zeichnen sich durch die konsequente Verwendung von Edelstahl aus. Das Resultat ist eine sehr hohe Langlebigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit. Die Konstruktion ist durch unsere eigenen Ingenieure mit Hinblick auf hohe Flexibilität bzw. Modularität, einfache Ersatzteilmontage und unkomplizierte Selbstmontage entwickelt worden. Für alle GOETHE Anlagen sind Ersatzteile direkt in unserem Shop verfügbar. Dank der Konstruktionsweise gestaltet sich die Selbstmontage unkompliziert.