Endkappen aus Kunststoff und Endkappen aus Gummi
Our collection of Caps, Plastic End Caps & Rubber End Caps includes a number of unique and common solutions, each being made specifically to cap off or finish an application. Our range features varied products that are used inside many industries and are each manufactured from a premium selection of materials. Some of our most popular end caps include our PVC Caps which are available in Round, Square & Rectangular as an example.
As a UK supplier we work with many businesses and individuals on particular projects, where end caps are required for a job. We have a range of sizes and free samples available on our website, so please visit us there for all of your end cap needs.
Verfügbare Stile:: Silikonkappen
EPDM-Kappen: Rohrendkappen
Verschlusskappen: Gewindekappen