xiRAY camera series - X-RAY cameras based on CCD
xiRAY camera series - X-RAY cameras based on CCD

xiRAY camera series - X-RAY cameras based on CCD

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We present our cutting-edge X-ray imaging system, meticulously designed to meet the demands of diverse scientific X-ray applications, such as high-resolution micro-CT. Equipped with the latest sCMOS and CMOS sensors (Gpixel, Sony) that range in resolution from 15 to 151 Mpix. Radiation sensitivity is a key consideration in scientific imaging, therefore our system offers unparalleled flexibility in this regard by allowing users to adjust radiation sensitivity and energy ranges by employing a set of scintillator materials (GadOx:Eu, CSI) and various fiber optical plates (FOP) with different thicknesses. The optical configuration of our imaging system is equally versatile, offering both straight optics (FOP) and tapers (FOT) to accommodate various fields of view (FOV) - Crystal clear 14 and 16 bit/pixel images - Compact dimensions of just 63 x 63 x 46 mm and less - Sensitive full frame sensors with backside illumination for high QE
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