Hydraulische Vorschub-Überladebrücke Flexidock G 9200
Hydraulische Vorschub-Überladebrücke Flexidock G 9200Hydraulische Vorschub-Überladebrücke Flexidock G 9200

Hydraulische Vorschub-Überladebrücke Flexidock G 9200

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How can we configure a standard loading dock for loading and unloading of small vehicles? The easiest solution is to select one of our FLEXIDOCK telescopic lip dock levellers. This design allows loading and unloading of small vehicles (vans) and standard trucks/trailers combined in one dock leveller for maximum efficiency. Vehicle bed heights from 400 mm up to 1600 mm can be serviced. The design can be adjusted to meet your specific application. The control box contains a switch for selecting a loading operation for small vehicles or standard trucks/trailers. When selecting small vehicles, the both lip side segments will be retracted hydraulically before the platform is raised. The 1000 mm to 1200 mm wide midsection of the telescopic lip can be extended to a maximum of 1000 mm and lowered onto the small vehicle. The weight on the bed of the small vehicle is hydraulically reduced to approx. 50 kg and the capacity is limited to 20 kN (only in small vehicle mode). The micro-processor controls contain a "follow" operation so that the lip remains in contact with the small vehicle bed. G 9200 Features and Benefits • FLEXIDOCK design allows loading and unloading of small vehicles and standard trucks/trailers combined in one dock leveller for maximum efficiency. • Micro-processor controls with return to dock position - Switch for selecting a loading operation of small vehicles or standard trucks/trailers. "Follow" operation so that the lip remains onto the bed of the small vehicle. Standard with automatic return to dock position. • Segmented telescopic lip - The telescopic lip consists of 3 segments. A full width lip is selected when loading standard trucks/trailers. A 1000 mm to 1200 mm wide mid section is selected when loading small vehicles (both lip side segments are retracted hydraulically before the platform is raised). • Smooth transition - Constant-radius rear hinge, two-point crown control on the front lip hinge, and an extended lip chamfer help provide the smoothest transitions for your operators, forklifts and products as they move in and out of a trailer. • Hydraulic weight reduction - When selecting small vehicles the weight exposed on the vehicle bed (van) is limited to approx. 50 kg. Capacity in this modus is 20 kN. • Light communication system (option) to protect your building and equipment if dock bumpers cannot be applied due to low dock height.


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